Gamers Heart Rate

Image result for xbox oneJack & I did our science fair project on Does video games change your heart rate. We invited a few people over and took their resting heart rate then took heart rate their heart rate while they were playing video games.

I found the science fair project really fun but stressful at the same time aseptically at the end. I'm proud of the finished project.

It was harder than I had expected. we did have a few challenges like getting done in time. We had to rush doing the experiment

My hypothesis is that the fitness video game will go down the lowest. My hypothesis was right because fitness was the only one went down.This our research.

Heart pumps blood throughout your body

In the heart there is right atrium. Left atrium, right vertices. Left vertices

Inside of the heart is divided into four chambers the top two chambers are called the atria and our collection chambers for blood. The bottom two chambers are called the ventricles and receive the blood from the atria and pump it to the lungs and the body.

Video games
Active Video Games that require more physical power. Burns up to four times more calories than when playing a seated game. Running or dancing games can cause an increase by 79 beats per minute or almost 100%.

This is our bibliography.

This is our Method.
Does playing video games affect your heart rate?

Have one people put on heart rate monitor.
Write down the person's name and the number of the watch.
Turn on video game system and put in first game.
Have the person start their watch and record their resting heart rate then record the non - resting heart rate.
Have them play the game until the heart rate monitor goes off.
Record time when watch was stopped.
Repeat this 3 times for each game and for each person.
Upload results from heart rate monitor onto computer.
Read graphs to figure out if heart rates went up.


Rylan Mackintosh - My Hypothesis is all action video games will make your heart rate go up more than others.
Jack kennington- My Hypothesis is I reckon all video games can change your heart rate.



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